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You can also call the DIG it number (928) 715 1165 to indicate when you can serve, or leave Mike a message on his contact page
Volunteer to become a Garden Monitor
If you would only like to have your name added to the list of DIG it Garden Monitors so that you can be notified of training and important upcoming monitor activities and then monitor on future dates, complete the required fields on the form below and check the box at the bottom of the form that reads "Please add me to the Garden Monitor list".
If you are interested in serving as a DIG it Garden Monitor on a specific date or set of days:
First, review the Monitor Schedule Calendar (you can only view this calendar)
When you see an open day and time that you would like to serve:
Complete the form below and indicate the date/s and time/s that you can serve, click "Submit"
DIG it staff will get back to you soon.
Click here now to view the Garden Monitor Calendar
We are also offering Garden Monitor T shirts to all monitors.
If you would like a T shirt, please indicate your size on the form.
Monitor instructions
Instructions to Monitor
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