DIG it Steering Committee
Our role is to make sure that the Garden runs smoothly and the gardeners have a safe, fun and enjoyable gardening experience. We are a 501c3 (EIN 94-2789842) under New Life Church. Our land use has been donated by New Life Church, Kingman AZ
I am the Garden Manager for the DIG it Kingman Community Garden. I have been involved in the construction and design of the garden and the day to day operations. To contact me, click here.
As a former Master Gardener Coordinator my main role is to manage the DIG it website and database. My training will still allow me to periodically help out with training and education at the garden. I also serve as the Garden Bed Lease coordinator. To contact me, click here.
As a Master Gardener, I educate the public on a variety of issues relating to gardening. My focus on the Community Garden will also involve education such as plant talks, answering questions and providing knowledge for its success in addition to assisting with future ideas and projects. To contact me, click here.
I lease two garden beds that I share and teach my 2 and 3 years olds and their friends the magic of growing things. I will be helping with the children’s events in the garden. I am excited and cannot wait to meet and share with you our community garden! To contact me, click here
I have worked to plan, build and construct garden beds and other structures at the DIG it Kingman Community garden. To contact me, click here.
I am a garden bed lessee and love to garden. I am the chair of the Dig It Dash and help with other events at the garden. To conact me, click here
I have resided in Kingman AZ for almost 29 years-a Real Estate Broker, local business owner and Community Member who takes pride in the joy and future of Kingman. My heart has always been in helping others, whatever that might be. I am a former leader of Kingman Cancer Unit, the local Board of Realtors all positions, Kingman Hospice, Central Church leader including Celebrate Recovery, and have been a volunteer for quite a few boards and commissions at the City of Kingman. From the board of adjustments, to my current post as acting chair of the Economic Development and Tourism Commission, a member of the Cerbat Garden Club and member of the DIG It Kingman Community Gardens steering committee I believe in the bright future ahead for all of the citizens of Kingman Arizona. To contact me click here.
I assist with many garden projects and events. I am the inspiration behind many garden projects and events. I help with the DIG it Dash and provide ideas for garden decoration and bed design. I work closely with Jerry to provide ideas for DIG it garden improvements. To contact me click here.
I am experienced with MIG and Arc welding and have provided many alterations to garden beds and the tool shed and DIG it. I help design and renovate new garden beds and have put garden hose racks on all of the garden beds. I have been instrumental in improving the function and appearance of DIG it. To contact me click here.
I'm a California refuge who has lived in Kingman for the past two years. A retired Construction Inspector with many years welding and fabrication and also a black smith, knife maker, truck driver, home improver and canner of many foods. Mechanical minded and an all around jack of many trades, I joined the Dig It Gardens to improve my knowledge of growing fruits and vegetables and to help in the life of the Dig It Garden when and where I can. To contact me, Click Here