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Growing Tomatoes and Watermelons Sponsored by Mohave Community College

March 31, 2021 Ron Tanner, DIG it Steering Committee member and former Master Gardener, in conjunction with Mohave Community College held a class for several students and fellow gardeners on growing watermelons and tomatoes. Lori Gunnette and Lauren Peterson who are from the college coordinated the activity and were in attendance.  This was the third class in the gardening series so far. The presentation was a hands on demonstration of techniques for successfully pruning, planting and staking tomato seedlings.  Discussed was how to recognize some tomato plant diseases and how to safely and effectively remedy them, thus keeping the plants as healthy as possible.  Some common insect pests and how to eradicate them in an environmentally safe manner was also touched upon. The students were given a handout to use when they prepare their personal gardens. 


Also addressed was the topic of Growing Watermelons.  Of particular interest was how to determine when watermelons are at their sweetest for picking, fresh from the garden or when buying them from the grocery store or farmer's market.  The thump test, scrutinizing the watermelon's color, shape, and grow spot, the watermelon tendril, and when to harvest them for maximum taste and texture was included as part of the training. 


How and when to water, fertilizing and mulching young seedlings and mature plants was demonstrated and discussed. 


The students seemed enthusiastic and gained many new tips and ideas from the class. 


The weather was nice, but a little windy and the attendees had many question answered.

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